Matching Program with our Cooperative Partners

Applying to the INNO-vation program is in itself quite the challenge. The Cooperative Partner Matching Program is a system for all those that apply to have an opportunity for reward.

We have created formats for the Matching Program for the two challenge divisions of the INNO-vation Program, each corresponding to the division's characteristics.
With the Disruptive Challenge, applicants have the opportunity to match with a Cooperative Partner and make their dreams become reality, all while retaining their own intellectual property.
With the Generation Award, all proposals will be open to the public through the Cooperative Partners. Each Cooperative Partner evaluates the proposals and selects the winners. However, if the Cooperative Partner finds particular proposals to be of high interest, there may be opportunities for collaboration within the Matching Program.

■ Disruptive Challenge

Flow of the proposal name disclosure to the Cooperative Partners

① Applicant applies to the executing agency for proposal title disclosure to the Cooperative Partner.

② Following acceptance, only the proposal title is disclosed to the Cooperative Partner.

③ The Cooperative Partner reports their interest in the proposal.

④ Notification of matching between the Cooperative Partner from the executing agency.

⑤ With the applicant's permission, disclosure of the technological proposal is given to the Cooperative Partner.

Cooperative Partner Matching in the Disruptive Challenge

All applicants, except those who pass the final stage of selection, can proceed to the matching program with the Cooperative Partners.
Regarding protection of applicants' intellectual property rights, it is assumed applicants will comply with information stated on the application guidelines.
The executing agency will support the entire process of the matching program, until a match is established between the Cooperative Partners and applicants (when applicable).

■ Generation Award

Flow of matching with the Cooperative Partners in the Generation Award

① All proposals are anonymized and then evaluated by the Cooperative Partners. Following the screening process, the category awards will be selected and special corporate prizes will be selected individually.

② During the selection process, if a Cooperative Partner finds a proposal to be particularly attractive, the executing agency will be notified and proceed with collaboration and/or matching (regardless of winning an award or not).

③ The applicant will be notified by the executing agency of the matching request from the Cooperative Partner.

④ Individual matching between the Cooperative Partner and the applicant.

Cooperative Partner Matching in the Generation Award

If the Cooperative Partner finds a proposal they would like to match with during the award screening process, they will send the request to the executing agency after the screening has finished.
Following this, the executing agency will inform the applicant of the matching request and if the applicant agrees, matching will be complete.
*The executing agency will not disclose personal information without explicit consent.
*Applicants cannot directly or indirectly (e.g., through the executive agency) negotiate with the Cooperative Partners in this program.